Terms and conditions for University of Bath MBA scholarships 2025/26

Full information about eligibility, application and selection for MBA scholarships from the University of Bath School of Management.

1. Scope

These terms and conditions apply to the Executive MBA scholarship and Full-Time MBA Scholarship awarded by the University of Bath’s School of Management for MBA programmes.

Not all applications received may be successful. Please see below for details on how selection is made.

Scholarships are awarded in the form of a fee waiver (‘discount’). The University allocates a waiver to your fee account in place of some of the fee liability you would otherwise have. There is no cash alternative. Scholarships cannot be deferred and are for the academic year that the application has been made only.

You should read these terms and conditions before you accept your scholarship.

2. Eligibility

If you wish to be considered for one of the MBA Scholarships, you must be in the process of setting up your interview to study on the MBA programme for the entry year 2025/26. Only applicants who are invited to interview will be eligible to apply for a scholarship.

You will receive full information about our scholarship criteria, including timelines, once you have been selected for interview.

3. Acceptance criteria

Once you have received your scholarship offer, you have 14 days to pay your deposit of 10% of the course fee and accept your place on the programme. If you do not pay within this timeframe, your scholarship will be removed although your offer still remains open.

If we award you a scholarship, the money will be deducted from your tuition fee when you register at the University.

The deposit is non-refundable unless:

  • you fail to meet the conditions of your offer
  • you fail to get a visa (if required)
  • you cancel within 14 days of payment

More information on the University’s terms and conditions.

4. Changes to study

If you change to a non-eligible programme or mode of study then your Scholarship may be withdrawn. These scholarship awards apply only to the Bath MBA programmes and are not transferable to other programmes or courses. If you make any changes to your original programme of study you must notify the MBA Admissions Team about this as it may affect your continued eligibility.

Suspensions and withdrawal from studies

If you suspend or withdraw from your studies then you will not be eligible to receive any future payments in that academic year.

All scholarships paid will be calculated on a pro rata basis and any overpayments may need to be repaid to the University should you suspend, withdraw from studies, transfer to a non-eligible programme, or no longer be eligible for a particular scholarship for any other reason. In such a case, the University may seek to recover the amount of the overpayment as a debt in the county court.

Repeating, extending or deferring your studies

The scholarships outlined herein will not be paid during any extension/repeat period(s) to your programme. You may be able to apply for Financial Support Funds from the Money Advice Team should you find yourself in financial difficulty. Find out more about Financial Support Funds.

The scholarships outlined herein are for the academic year that you make your initial application in only. If you defer or withdraw and restart, any scholarship already offered will become void. If eligible, you may be considered for support the following year, but this will be subject to the terms of those scholarships then in force. There is no guarantee that postgraduate students will be eligible for funding in future years.

5. Changes to your immigration status

If you have a change to your immigration status, you MUST notify the MBA Admissions Team immediately. We may require you to provide documentary evidence of your change in status.

If you receive notice that you are liable to be detained by the UK Home Office then your scholarship will be suspended for the duration of your detention. The University will review the support available to you to help you resume your studies if your status enables you to continue.

6. Disciplinary action and fraudulent applications

The University reserves the right to terminate your scholarship award and demand repayment of sums that have already been set off against your tuition fees in the case of any disciplinary action being taken against you. Cases will be considered on an individual basis by the Director of Studies.

The University reserves the right to withdraw a scholarship from anyone who is found to have misled the University about any aspect of their eligibility and to seek repayment of any sums that have already been set off against their tuition fees. In such cases, the University may seek to recover any money paid as a debt in the county court (in which case it may also seek to recover additional sums such as interest, court fees and legal costs). We may request at any point, for audit purposes, evidence of the criteria as stated in your application.

7. Selection

The Panel (consisting of members of the MBA Senior Leadership team) will convene to assess the scholarship requests. Scholarship decisions will be made at their discretion and their decision is final. All awards are discretionary and limited in number, so even if you meet the criteria you are not guaranteed to receive one.

The MBA Admissions team will inform all candidates the outcome of the Panel’s decision.

8. Appeals

There is no right of appeal and the University’s decision is final in relation to your eligibility for a scholarship. You may make a complaint if you believe that you have not been considered for a scholarship because of a procedural error, or you believe that there has been some other procedural problem with our allocating and awarding system. Complaints should be made in writing to the MBA Admissions Team.

9. Use of data

The University may use the data/information you share with us as part of your application, to provide information and advice about the University to you as an applicant. Should you subsequently join the University, the University may also use the data you provide to inform our strategies for supporting you as a new entrant, to inform you about provision that you may be able to access, to monitor student success and for other legitimate reasons. All awardees may be expected to participate in publicity for the scholarships from time to time during the academic year. In the case of scholarships which are funded by a corporate or private donor, personal details may be passed to this third party to assist them to administer the award.